Thursday, January 9, 2014

How to Prep Your Ceiling and Floor for Painting Projects

When you paint overhead it is uncomfortable and good painting tools can make a big difference. Putting the time and effort into painting your ceiling is more than worth it so consider adding ceiling paint to your list. Ceilings and floors are no different than your walls; before you paint, you have to prep!
Here are some tips for prepping your ceilings and what needs to be done before you actually paint:
  • If you see grease on the ceiling, make sure to wash the surface thoroughly
  • If you have a plaster ceiling, repair all of the cracks before you start the primer and paint
  • If the ceiling has water or nicotine discoloration or stains, prime it before you paint it
  • If a drywall ceiling has been soaked by water, cut out the affected area and replace it with new drywall
  • If the existing ceiling paint has a lot of sheen and you want to cover it with latex paint, you will need to prime it first. Primer will leave a rough surface the paint can stick to.
  • If your existing ceiling looks good but you want to change the color, prime it first. When paint adheres to the surface, it goes on smoother and looks even when painting on primer.
Painting your floors gives you an opportunity to show off your flair and creativity without breaking the bank or going over budget. Before you start, you need to make sure your floor is in the best possible shape it can be in so it will look the best. Wood and concrete are the most common floors painted in a home or office.
To prep cement floors, follow these tips:
  • Patch: if the concrete floor has any surface cracks or imperfections, use a concrete filler and then sand the patches smooth.
  • Clean: make sure to scrub the floor thoroughly with a good chemical to remove dirt, grease, and any other built up mess.
  • Wash and Dry: rinse the floor several times and let it dry - this could take up to 3 days
  • Sweep Up: Vacuum or sweep the floor thoroughly
  • Prime: concrete is extremely porous so priming is extremely important
To prep wood floors follow these instructions:
  • Clean: make sure to get rid of any dirt, grease, grime, glue or any other built up mess
  • Fill: if the wood is cracked, dented or gouged fill in the areas with a tinted wood filler
  • Sand: if your wood floor is rough, sand it with sandpaper before painting
  • Scrape: make sure to remove any cracked or loose paint on previously finished wood floor
  • Prime: Use a latex or alkyd primer under latex paint. Use an oil-based primer under oil-based or polyurethane paint. Unfinished wood floors soak up a lot of paint so priming is important.

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